As the season to slow things down and revel in nature’s own progression, autumn can teach us a lot about life and ourselves. The vibrant hues of summer have settled, along with our activity, and we often take on a different mentality. The days are getting shorter and the chill in the air reminds us of the further changes that will soon come. As our surroundings prepare for the season ahead, we too can use the autumn as a time of transition, a time to prepare our own spaces and create some new rituals that will aid in the coming months.
Though less vivid, the autumn offers its own feast of beauty for our eyes in tones of ochre and rust, brilliant scarlets, and the many warm shades of brown. Bringing these colors into our homes is an easy way to welcome the season. Textiles, such as throw blankets, heavier weight pillows, curtains, and even area rugs in these tones, can really add an enormous amount of warmth to a space and certainly bring the outdoors in. Another change we can make in the autumn is to exchange some of our belongings. Try taking a deep look at your space. There are likely some items that reflect the warmer weather or the vibrant and colorful seasons of spring and summer. This is a good opportunity to swap out things like driftwood and sea shells and add in some items that entice warmth, relaxation and a sense of reflection. Perhaps bring in some pottery that offers a bit more weight than glass containers and try grounding your space with some simple stacks of books. These items will not just accent your autumn interior but serve as great conversation pieces.
“Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don’t struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality.”
And autumn does not need to just be about deepening our spaces to create an inviting and cozy atmosphere. The season is a great time to begin some new rituals as well. Perhaps forage some items from nature and add them to your home as sculptural elements. It’s still a great time to get out and let the environment complement our interior spaces. Autumn is also a good opportunity to harvest seasonal fruits and vegetables. They can simply be displayed to nurture our spaces as they nurture our bodies. Even stocking a pile of wood for the fire can add interest to your space while aiding in its functionality. And perhaps a little afternoon tea ritual can be added to your day. This can be a time to pause, take in the elements, and soothe your body as it transitions into winter.
Autumn takes us through the cycle of the seasons and serves as a metaphor for the cycle of our own lives. We can watch the splendor of summer taper off, the brilliant hues tone down, and many things in nature begin to wilt, but we can also take solace in the transition. Our surroundings are changing and so are we. Like the Japanese word sabi represents how things evolve, we can find beauty in the impermanence of nature and life. Autumn offers us the chance to gain a deeper understanding of life and take comfort in its every phase. We can bring this wisdom into our homes to inspire us and our journey to the next phase, whatever that may be.