A Day in the Desert


Among the many experiences possible in California, a trip to Joshua Tree National Park offers wonder unlike any other. This 1,200 square mile area of high desert, located just over 2 hours from Los Angeles, is packed with otherworldly rock formations, hiking trails, rare flora like the namesake Joshua tree, and great expanses of desert landscape that are sure to awe. This small corner of the Mojave Desert is not simply a great day trip or camping adventure but an opportunity to slow down, take in the elements, and appreciate the simplicity of life. Something about the heat, dry air, and silence all around presents a new appreciation of beauty in ordinary moments.


Though at the onset it may seem like a simple, wide open park, it is actually known for its many unique species of flora and fauna, not just the ever present Joshua tree. Many varieties of cacti accompany Mojave yucca and aster, desert marigolds, creosote bushes with their lovely yellow flowers, and even California juniper and piñon pine trees. And many species of lichen can be seen growing on the boulders throughout the park. Several mammals like bobcats and coyotes, reptiles and snakes, and over 250 species of birds can also be seen on your visit.

On our few trips to this natural wonder, we have found that some days there are tourists, avid photographers, and explorers of all kinds, while other times, there is not another soul around as far as the eye can see. Many come to the park to hike and climb the picturesque boulders. Others drive through and take in the panoramic views of the crisscrossing faults of Southern California that illustrate the effects of earthquakes on the landscape. There are even a handful of fault-caused oases that supply food and water to the varied wildlife in the park.

What draws us into the desert is the search for something intimate in the remote.

We have enjoyed overnight camping in the desert, but there are also some incredible homes to stay that offer a glimpse into desert living at its best, like The Joshua Tree House, located just outside the park. Regardless of your sleeping arrangements, we highly recommend staying in the area at least one night. After a day of exploring some of the strangest landscapes, there is something magical about the glow of the sun as it sets over Joshua Tree and the thousands of stars that can be seen at night. It is certainly an experience unlike any other.

Our time in this corner of the globe has taught us a bit about slowing down to take in the elements and enjoying the journey as much as the destination. A stroll through this desolate landscape takes us away from all the distractions of the big city and gives us the space and quiet to appreciate the ordinary moments of life. It’s almost as if we gain a new found wisdom in the desert. The isolation found in Joshua Tree actually allows us to feel more connected, to the natural surroundings and to ourselves.


Whether you are able to make the trip to the Mojave or not, the inspiration found in the landscape can be carried into our home decor and lifestyle. Spending a day at Joshua Tree is slow living at its finest. Just as we took the chance to connect with nature in its basic yet rare forms, so too can we create aesthetically pleasing spaces (even in a small corner of the home) that enhance our enjoyment of everyday experiences. This is a chance to make a ritual out of the ordinary, to keep us present in the moment and connected to ourselves and our surroundings. A cup of coffee or tea does not need to forever be in a to-go mug. Take time out of your day to make a ritual of enjoying a beverage, actually sitting down in a space without distraction, observing your surroundings and letting them offer their inherent comfort. Try enhancing the space so it enlivens all your senses. The burning of desert sage or a piñon smudge stick reminds us of the time in Joshua Tree, but your ritual can include any scent that puts your soul at ease. This time for yourself, even if it is only 15 minutes, can give you just the inspiration you need to carry on for hours.

Bringing the outdoors in is another easy way to enhance your surroundings while grounding your space. Add plants, driftwood, or other elements that help you reflect on the cycle of nature and the seasons. In addition to improving indoor air quality, these natural items remind us of the simple beauty that exists all around; plus having plants gives you the added ritual of caring for and maintaining a life within your home. And think about your home, the natural light, and the places you feel grounded. These days, many of us are working more from home, so offer yourself some time to look at how you can set up your home space to inspire your work and your life. Perhaps the morning sunlight in a specific room gives you peace. Use this space to do something you may find daunting, like responding to emails or working on financials. It’s incredible how much our space and surroundings can play a role in our mood and equally incredible how simple enhancements to our everyday spaces can enliven those ordinary moments that fill our days. The desert may be far away but its inspiration can easily be brought right inside our homes and our lives.

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